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The King Of The Yodellers

The King Of The Yodellers

album: The King Of The Yodellers

genre: Country

streams: 151

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Jim Whitman
About Jim Whitman

Jim Whitman has been enjoying great popularity all over the world for many years. He has an impressive list of albums to his credit and is a prolific songwriter.

Jim's voice has a wide range and expressiveness which many singers find hard to achieve. He also discovered early on, to his delight, that he too could yodel. You don't learn to yodel, it just comes naturally. You could say, it's in the blood. It then has to be groomed and practiced, tailored to perfection. 

Jim certainly has nurtured that sweet, smooth yodel over the years and it is a high spot on his live performances.

Jim holds two Guinness Book of Records 'World Records' for yodelling. The longest yodelling: 30 hours 1 minute (Children in Need) and Fastest Yodel Record: 10 yodel tones in .88 of a second.

With a string of successful albums behind him, scored of full houses wherever he appears, Jim Whitman has certainly earned his place in Country Music history.

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